Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Virtual Bridged LAN Management Using ISP

Project TitleVirtual Bridged LAN Management Using ISP
Front EndVB.NET
Project Description
This project Controls LAN users from internet. The company members are created by the administrator. The username, password and category are entered and managed by the administrator. The members chatting, mailing, file transfer are managed by the administrator. The administrator will control the members. Restriction are managed by the administrator. the administrator can login from web and also controls the members of the project. The member restrictions, posting contents in the notice board are managed by the administrator. The members can watch the contents in the notice board. After login, the members are redirected to different forms according to their priority.


  1. Dow u have this project buddy.... Im in need of it :(

  2. please send me how many module u have used with its name to iamkingofallking@gmail.com....
